In 1991 over 120 people stitched squares as a celebration of the theme LIFE, some in memory of a particular individual, others were offered more generally on behalf of all those infected with, or affected by, the HIV/AIDS virus.
Many were made by members of Mothers' Unions and other groups. The quilt has been exhibited in various places, including Rochester Cathedral, the Medway Hospital, the Mildmay Mission Hospice and Aylesford Priory. “It has brought great joy to those who have helped make it, those who have seen it, and those whose friends are commemorated by it.”

In 1997 the quilt was extended, with invitations offered to schools, churches and individuals in Kent, or with connections in Kent, to make one or more squares.

The colours, style of sewing (embroidery, patchwork, appliqué, paint, etc, etc) together with the scene, symbol or words were left open to contributors. Some designs are simple and some are very intricate.
The project was coordinated by Cathedral Precentor Revd John Armson. During periods of display at the Cathedral through the early 2000s the quilt would occassionally be accompanied by an exhibit collated by Revd Armson consisting of sexual health awareness posters from the 1990s for the gay community. The posters feature actors in extremely suggestive poses which, whilst not out of place in a sexual health clinic, would inevitably provoke in a church setting. Indeed, Revd Armson faced considerable opposition from within the Cathedral administration at the time. But in doing so (and perhaps by doing so) the exhibit illustrated the barriers between discussion of sex and sexuality and areas of public life, particularly strong between the church and gay communities. In the early years of HIV and AIDs these barriers frustrated efforts at public health campaigns, as they can still do today, adding to the fear and confusion of this new pandemic and ultimately excacerbating the immense human loss so keenly felt both inside and outside these communities.
Jacob Scott from the notes and portfolio of Revd John Armson
Rochester Cathedral Precentor 1991-2004
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