Baptism, Confirmation and Admission to Holy Communion
Rochester Cathedral has a lively and growing congregation and we are delighted to baptise those with a significant connection to this cathedral or who are regular worshippers here
Confirmation of adults and young people (Year 7 upwards) usually takes place at the Vigil Eucharist on Easter Day at 5.30am. Courses of preparation for adults and young people are held during Lent. Adults who have not previously been baptised may be prepared for baptism and confirmation.
Admission to Holy Communion
Children aged 7 and older who have been baptised and are regular worshippers at the Cathedral are invited to be admitted to receive Holy Communion; this usually happens in June.
To enquire further about baptism, confirmation or admission to Holy Communion please email our Canon Chancellor
Please visit the Church of England website for further details about Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion (