Roll of Honour of Old Roffensians and Old Choristers
/Old Roffensians and Old Choristers of Rochester Cathedral who gave their lives in The Great and Second World Wars and who have died on active service since the Second World War. Compiled by the Old Roffensian Society.
In the text and in the Roll the following abbreviations are used:
KS King's Scholar, holder of a scholarship at King's School
ОС Old Chorister (of the Cathedral Choir School to 1937)
OR Old Roffensian, a former pupil of King's School, Rochester
The School
King's School, Rochester was founded in 604 and is the second oldest in the United Kingdom. It is now an independent day and boarding school and a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference. It has the oldest choir school in the country. The Cathedral Choir School was separate until 1937 when all choristers were admitted to King's School.
The number of pupils at King's School was only 52 in January 1914, rising to 97 by 1918. At the beginning of the Great War the activities of the Officer Training Corps (OTC) were enhanced and boys went straight from school into the services. 164 ORs are listed in the school magazine, The Roffensian, as having served during the War. Considering the small size of the School, the number of those who gave their lives in the War shows the extent of the sacrifice made. Nor should we forget all those who fought valiantly for their country and survived the conflict.
At the outbreak of the Second World War the school pupils numbered 248. A record of the Second World War service of ORs, totalling 596 in number, was prepared in 1950 but not published. Of the total, 139 were with the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Merchant Navy, 315 with the Army and 101 with the Royal Air Force. An Active Service List was published in The Roffensian for Michaelmas 1940 and then regularly until Michaelmas 1945. In 1943 a fund was set up to send parcels of "smokes and books" to OR prisoners of war whose names and addresses were listed.
Find out more about the history of The King’s School, Rochester:
The King's School, Rochester, founded 604 AD
Headmaster D. R. Vicary explores the long history of The King’s School, Rochester.
For further details of the history of the School see The History of King's School, Rochester, edited by R L H Coulson (1989) and of the Choir School, Choristers of Rochester Cathedral (1999). For more on the Combined Cadet Force, successor to the OTC, see A Brief History of the CCF Movement by N K Day, The Roffensian, February 1960 and King's Rochester Combined Cadet Force 1911-2011 (King's Rochester and the Old Roffensian Society, December 2012). For details of all the service memorials other than the Old Roffensian tablets in the Cathedral see A short Guide to the Service Memorials of Rochester Cathedral by R J Trett OBE TD, Friends of Rochester Cathedral, 1990.
The Roll
This Roll is based on the names of 132 Old Roffensians who are on the King's School Memorial Boards together with a further two who appear in later Rolls of Honour in The Roffensian magazine. Five Old Choristers are also listed, two of whom were Old Roffensians.
The Roll gives full names, dates of attendance at King's School, Rochester or with the Cathedral Choir School, King's Scholarships, date of birth or age at death, rank and unit at death, date and place of death if known and (in italics) location of war grave or memorial. The final reference is to obituaries, tributes and articles in issues of The Roffensian or The Old Roffensian. Further details of school record and subsequent career are available for some, but not all, of those in the Roll and may be found in The Roffensian Register 1835-1936 (1937) and in Eminent Roffensians (1998).
Readers who note errors or omissions in the Roll are kindly requested to inform the Honorary Editor, Old Roffensian Society Ltd, Satis House, Boley Hill, Rochester, Kent, United Kingdom ME1 1TE.
The school memorial boards
Two boards, one each for the Great and Second World Wars, and of oak with gold lettering were originally in the Main School Hall but are now to be found in the entrance way of the New Hall where they were rededicated in November 1986. The board for the Great War was first unveiled on Armistice Day, 1922 and initially draped with flags and adorned with a laurel wreath. As not all those who fell were known at the time the board was first painted, the addition of new names has meant that they are not in strict alphabetical order with the lower section being replaced to accommodate the changes in 1955. The Second World War board was unveiled in 1954. All Old Roffensians in the Roll are on these boards except Pilot Officer K D Dawson-Scott.
During the Summer of 2013 a third board was placed close to the Great and Second World War boards and shows those "Old Roffensians who have died on active service since the Second World War. A list of these ORs appears on pages 23 and 24.
Rochester Cathedral tablets
Funds were raised after the Great War to provide a fitting memorial to those Old Roffensians who had given their lives. There were insufficient funds for a proposed memorial gate, but a memorial window and tablet were commissioned and then unveiled and dedicated on 11 December 1920. The tablet was designed by E F Cobb OR(1880-1885) who was Architect to the Dean and Chapter and designed the Dooner tablet in the Lady Chapel and, among other buildings, the School's Science Laboratories. The memorial window, with the tablet beneath it, is on the west side of the Lady Chapel (formerly the School Chapel) which is on the south side of the Cathedral.

Photos of the Lady Chapel memorials in 2023.
On the same day the Dean donated a sanctuary lamp in memory of the fallen A similar tablet was provided after the Second World War and is below the window to the south or to the left hand side when viewing the windows from inside the Chapel. It was unveiled and dedicated on 25 June 1949 at which time an additional eight names were added to the Great War tablet.
The legends are:
As by man came death by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
To the glory of God and in proud and abiding memory of the following Old Roffensians who laid down their lives for their country in the Great War 1914 - 1918.
At the base the following coats of arms appear: See of Rochester, County of Kent, City of Rochester.
Both tablets have the Latin inscription of BELLO PACEM ADEPTI IN PACE REQUIESCANT ("In fighting they obtained peace, in peace let them rest) and show the initials, surname and unit of each of the fallen. The Great War tablet also has their rank. All the Great and Second World War Old Roffensian names in this Roll are on the two tablets except those of Pilot Officer K D Dawson-Scott and Maj A F H Godfrey (Second World War).
The Alps Memorial
In 1948-1950, and in addition to the provision of the School Memorial Board and the tablet in the Lady Chapel, a Second World War Memorial Fund was set up to meet the costs of levelling "The Alps", a raised area east of the Borstal road south of Rochester. The process of levelling the area for playing fields, which was achieved with the assistance of the Royal Engineers from Chatham, took place over a number of years and further work was needed to remove the large number of stones on the surface, to stabilise the soil and to provide adequate drainage. Memorial gates were placed at the entrance to The Alps from Borstal Road with two plaques, one with the School crest and the other with the words "IN MEMORY 1939 1945"
Other memorials
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission records and maintains both marked graves (where these exist) and national or local memorials and these are identified in this Roll. The Commission's graves are marked by a stone of uniform size and design which is inscribed with the service insignia, the rank, name, unit, date of death. and age at death. On some stones a few personal words of family tribute may appear near the base. These graves may be among the extensive cemeteries of France and Flanders, in smaller cemeteries in the areas of conflict overseas or in local parish cemeteries.
Principal among the naval memorials are those at Plymouth, Portsmouth and Chatham on which the fallen are listed by rank.
In addition to these graves and national memorials, individual Old Roffensians may be mentioned on local parish war memorials, on memorials dedicated to particular battle losses or in books of remembrance. RAF pilot losses, for example, appear on both the Runnymede Memorial near Egham and in the Books of Remembrance to be found in the RAF's London church of St Clement Danes in the Strand. A list of those ORs who served in the Royal Flying Corps or the Royal Naval Air Service appears on page 57 of The Old Roffensian, December 2009.
Rochester Cathedral Lady Chapel has other memorials, including one to Captain A E C T Dooner OR and his brother, Lt Col J G Dooner (not an OR) and another to Leading Aircraftman R Morris OC which was dedicated on 5 December 1987. One of the Cathedral bells is inscribed with the name of Rifleman H A Brand OC and another with the name of Private C W Edwards OC.
The Cathedral also has memorials to those who fought in earlier conflicts. Lt R da C Porter KS(1863) fought in the Zulu War in Natal in 1878 and died in 1882 (window and plaque in the south nave aisle) and Lt H J P Jeffcoat DSO OR(1882-1887) was killed in action during the Boer War in 1901 (plaque in the Lady Chapel).
The School archives do not contain records of the war service of staff but it is known that William Charles Percival Harfoot, son of William Henry and Ada Wallaca Rose Harfoot and an Assistant Master at the School in 1935, died on 27 July 1942 aged 31, a Sergeant in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. His name appears on the Runnymede Memorial at Egham in Surrey.
We remember them
A "Service of Commemoration of Old Roffesnians who gave their lives in the war 1939-45 and Thanksgiving for Victory" was held in the Cathedral on 28th September 1946.
At the King's School's annual Service of Remembrance wreaths are laid on the memorials in the Lady Chapel by the Principal, the Heads of School and representatives of the Combined Cadet Force and the Old Roffensian Society. Lately, pupils from the School have been invited to lay their lapel poppies on the memorials after the service. As part of an ongoing 4 Form project, School visits have been made annually to Ypres and a wreath laid on the Hooge Crater Cemetery grave of Captain A E C T Dooner OR who was killed in action in 1914. A report on the 2009 visit is on page 12 of The Old Roffensian, December 2009.
The Great War, 1914-1918
ANGELL, Geoffrey OR(1903-12) KS
Lt 2nd Bn 8th Gurkha Rifles
Son of Col Frederick John and Lillie Angell
Killed in action in France 13 May 1915 aged 20
St Vaast Post Military Cemetery, Richebourg-L'Avoue, six miles north-east of Bethune, Pas de Calais, France.
The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 31.
APLIN, Elphinstone D'Oyley OR(1908-11)
Lt 2nd Bn Gloucestershire Regiment
Son of Lt Col Hugh M and Annie Campbell Aplin
Died of wounds in France 13 May 1915 aged 22
Bailleul Communal Cemetery (Noord), Bailleul Town, Nord, France
The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 31.
APLIN, Eric Scott OR (1908-12)
Captain 2nd Bn Worcestershire Regiment
Son of Lt Col Hugh M and Annie Campbell Aplin
Died of wounds 11th March 1918 aged 22
Nine Elms British Cemetery west of Poperinge, Belgium The Roffensian, Summer 1918 page 8.
BAILEY, John Winckworth OR(1894-96)
2nd Lt Royal Flying Corps
Son of Rev John and Penelope Ada Bailey
Killed on active service 31$ March 1916 aged 33
Ruislip (St Martin) Churchyard Extension, Middlesex, United Kingdom
The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 60, December 2010 page 6 and December 2011 page 6.
BARR, Percival Stanley St John OR (1896-98)
Cpl 107080 "A" Sqdn, 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles (British Columbia Regiment)
Son of George and Charlotte Rebecca Barr; husband of Grace Tertia Barr Killed in action 9' July 1916 aged 35
Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, north-west of Ypres, Belgium
BEARBLOCK, Charles Henry OR(1903-04)
Lt 9th Bn Essex Regiment
Born Greenwich 17" March 1893, son of Engineer Captain Charles William Bearblock CB RN(Retired) and Annie Rosetta Bearblock. The name of C H Bearblock was added to the Great War Memorial in Rochester Cathedral in 2007.
Died of wounds near Loos, France, 20th October 1915
Vermelles British Cemetery, six miles north-west of Lens, Pas de Calais, France The Old Roffensian, December 2007 page 74.
BLACK, Sidney Alfred OR(1906)
Flight Sub-Lt RN 3rd Wing, Royal Naval Air Service Son of John and Bessie Ann Black Killed while flying 8th January 1916 aged 24
Lancashire Landing Cemetery, west of Sedd el Bahr village, Gallipoli, Turkey Commonwealth War Graves Commission Roll of Honour and Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force attestation papers have SIDNEY ARTHUR BLACK
The Old Roffensian, December 2010 page 66.
BLAND-HUNT, Ernest Sidney de Vere OR(1882-85)
Major 6" Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery
Son of Major-General R W Bland-Hunt; husband of Beatrice Ethel Bland- Flunt Killed in action 4th September 1915 aged 44
Ypres Reservoir Cemetery, north-west of Ypres, Belgium The Roffensian Register 1835-1936 (1937) has ERNEST SIDNEY de VERE HUNT
BOORMAN, Cyril Adlington OR(1906-09) KS
Private 801 West Kent Yeomanry (Queen's Own)
Son of Frederick William and Ellen Beatrice Boorman
Died on active service 3rd March 1915 aged 23
Gravesend Cemetery, Kent, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Lent 1915 page 10.
BOUCHER, William Moore OR(1905-10)
Lt 6th Bn Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)
Killed in action 20th November 1917.
Fifteen Ravine British Cemetery, Villers-Plouich, eight miles south-west of Cambrai, Nord, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 19 and The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 80.
BRABAZON, Terence Anthony Chaworth OR(1907-13)
Captain IS Bn Essex Regiment
Born 20th February 1896, son of Lt Col William Beaufort Brabazon Royal Naval Ordnance Department and Mabel Brabazon
Died of wounds, Countess of Pembroke's Private Military Hospital, Wilton House, Wiltshire 3rd August 1916
Wilton Cemetery, Wiltshire. See inside front cover.
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1916 page 24 and The Old Roffensian, December 2008 page 60 and December 2010 page 5.
BRAND, Harold Albert OC(1903-09) OR(1909-10)
Rifleman 301377 1$/5" Bn London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade)
Killed in action 6" September 1916
Thiepval Memorial, between Bapaume and Albert, Somme, France
BRIDGLAND, Neville Linton OR(1906-12)
Lt 3rd Bn attached 1st Bn East Surrey Regiment
Son of Loftus Frederick Linton Bridgland
Killed in action 22nd October 1914 aged 20
Pont-du-Hem Military Cemetery, La Gorgue, between La Bassee and Estaires, Nord, France The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1914 page 31.
CADIC, Lawrence William MC OR(1908-14)
Captain 2nd Bn Essex Regiment
Born Gravesend 20' December 1896, son of Lt Col Louis Stephen Cadic RE and Ellen Cadic
Died of wounds 10th October 1917
Cement House Cemetery, Langemark, north of Ypres, Belgium Born LAWRENCE WILLIAM LUDOVIC CADIC, son of LUDOVIC ETIENNE MARIE CADIC.
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 20.
CASTLE, Howard OC(1903-05)
Rifleman Australian Infantry Base Depot
Died 1st September 1915
Pine Ridge Memorial Park, Victoria, Australia Choristers of Rochester Cathedral (1999) has died Gallipoli
CHEESMAN, Arthur Edwin OR (1887)
Captain 155* Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)
Son of Captain Edwin Thomas Cheesman Royal Army Veterinary Corps
Died 26 September 1916 aged 39
Amara War Cemetery, on the River Tigris, 105 miles north-west of Basra, Irag
COLQUHOUN, Robert Crosthwaite OR(1883-90) KS
Major HMS Invincible Royal Marine Light Infantry
Born 11 March 1873, son of Rev Robert Colquhoun (Indian Chaplain) and Frances Crosthwaite Colquhoun; husband of Robina Frances Colquhoun Killed in action off Horn Reef 31 May 1916
Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Southsea, Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 28 and The Old Roffensian, December 2006 page 58.
COLSON, Edward OR(1885-89)
Major 41st Dogras
Son of Surgeon Major E and Mary Colson ; husband of Florence E Colson Killed in action 20 January 1916 aged 41
Amara War Cemetery, on the River Tigris, 105 miles north-west of Basra, Iraq
The Old Roffensian, December 2013 page 84.
COOMBE, Allen Sandby OR(1912-15)
Probationary Flight Officer, Royal Naval Air Service Son of Dr Thomas Sandby and Mrs Eliza Coombe Accidentally killed on active service 4 September 1917 aged 18
Chingford Mount Cemetery, Chingford, Essex, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 19 and The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 59 and December 2010 page 6.
CRUIKSHANK, Eric Onslow OR(1905-12)
Lt 3rd Bn Wiltshire Regiment
Son of James and Marie Cruikshank
Killed in action at the Battle of the Aisne 19 September 1914. aged 21
Vauxbuin French National Cemetery, two miles south-west of Soissons, Aisne, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1914 page 30 and The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 59.
CRUIKSHANK, Guy Lindsay DSO MC OR(1904-07)
Captain 70th Sqdn Royal Flying Corps and IS Bn Gordon Highlanders
Son of James and Marie Cruikshank
Killed in action 15th September 1916 aged 26
Hesbecourt Communal Cemetery, two miles east of Roisel, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 18 and The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 57 and inside back cover and December 2010 page 6.
CUBITT, John Joseph OR(1904-07)
Sergeant 12720 1S B Northamptonshire Regiment
Son of William and Pauline Millicent Cubitt
Killed in action 29th May 1915 aged 25
Veille-Chapelle New Military Cemetery, Lacouture, six miles north-east of Bethune, Pas de Calais, France.
The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 32.
de SALIS, Frank Robert Lawson OR (1903-08)
Lt Royal Canadian Regiment
Killed in action in France 2nd June 1916
Menin Road South Military Cemetery, one miles east of Ypres, Belgium
The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 30.
DOONER, Alfred Edwin Claude Toke OR (1902-05)
Captain and Adjutant IS Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Son of Col William T Dooner
Killed in action 30th October 1914 aged 22
Hooge Crater Cemetery, two miles east of Ypres, Belgium The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 32.
EDWARDS, Charles Walter OC(1910-14)
Private 42629 10th Bn Lincolnshire Regiment
Son of William Henry and Sarah Edwards
Died 16 April 1918 aged 19
Haringhe (Bandaghem) Military Cemetery, Belgium
FOOD, Charles James OR(1893-1901)
Private 164243 75th Bn Canadian Infantry (Central Ontario Regiment)
Husband of Mary S Foord
Killed in action 2nd September 1918 aged 35
Dury Mill British Cemetery, 10 miles south-east of Arras, Pas de Calais, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 8.
FREND, Hugh Palliser OR(1910-14) KS
2. Lt 5' Bn Northamptonshire Regiment
Son of Rev Canon John Palliser and Monica Ann Frend
Killed in action 20 March 1917 aged 20
Agny Military Cemetery, south of Agincourt, Pas de Calais, France
The Roffensian, Summer 1917 page 22
GRAHAM, Charles Hamilton Malise OR(1907-10)
Lt 1st Bn King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment)
Killed in action 17th May 1917
Brown's Copse Cemetery, Roeux, five miles east of Arras, Pas de Calais, France
HICKMOTT, Frank Leonard OR(1902-03)
Rifleman 4381 5th Bn London Regiment (London Rifle Brigade)
Killed in action 9 October 1916
Australian Imperial Forces Burial Ground, one mile north of Flers, Somme, France
HUMPHREY, John H OR (1902-05)
Private 19447 3 Bn Grenadier Guards
Died of wounds 10th October 1915
Loos Memorial, Pas de Calais, France The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1915 page 28.
IRELAND, Leslie Wodehouse Cubitt OR(1911-13)
2nd Lt Manchester Regiment
Killed in action 12th February 1917
Guards Cemetery, Combles, 12m east of Albert, Somme, France.
Surname CUBITT-IRELAND in the Commonwealth War Graves Commission Roll of Honour;
LESLIE WOODHOUSE CUBITT IRELAND in Officers died in the Great War 1914-1919 J B
Hayward & Son, Norfolk, 1988
The Roffensian, Lent 1917 page 10.
JACKSON, Dudley William Gerald OR (1895-99)
Captain 1st Bn attached 10th Bn Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Son of Rev Gerald and Dora Jackson; husband of E G Jackson Died of wounds 13th April 1916 aged 33
Etaples Military Cemetery, 17 miles south of Boulogne, Pas de Calais, France The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 29.
JONES, Douglas Crosby OR(1901-06)
Private 7755 2nd Bn Canadian Infantry (Eastern Ontario Regiment)
Son of Arthur Crosby Brett and Amelia Margaret Jones
Killed in action 22nd April 1915 aged 22
Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
LANGLEY, Francis Jasper OR(1900-04)
2nd Lt 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards
Son of Rev John and Mrs Langley
Killed in action 27 August 1918 aged 28
Mory Abbey Military Cemetery, south of Arras, Pas de Calais, France
LANGLEY, John Basil Robert OR(1900-04)
Lt Royal Air Force
Son of Rev John and Mrs Langley; husband of Lorna Leslie Langley Accidentally killed on active service 15 May 1918 aged 29 Gosport (Ann's Hill) Cemetery, Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Summer 1918 page 8 and Summer 1919 page 7 and The Old Roffensian, December 2010 page 6.
LEGGETT, Eric Henry Goodwin DSO OR(1890)
Major 188th Brigade Royal Field Artillery
Son of Lt Col Frederick Octavius Leggett Royal Army Ordnance Department and Maria Leggett
Died on active service 30th July 1916 aged 35.
Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, 28 miles south-east of Calais, Pas de Calais, France
LEGGE-WILKINSON, Benjamin Claude OR(1910-12)
2nd Lt 1st Garrison Bn Royal Warwickshire Regiment Died on active service at Port Sudan
4th January 1916
Khartoum War Cemetery, south-east Khartoum, Sudan
The Roffensian, Lent 1916 page 12.
LUCAS, Charles Leslie Clement OR(1913-15)
2nd Lt 7th Bn Northamptonshire Regiment
Son of Richard Clement and Kathleen Emma Lucas
Died of wounds 30 June 1917 aged 19
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, eight miles west of Ypres, Belgium The Roffensian, Summer 1917 page 23.
MACKLIN, David Harold OR(1912-15) KS
2nd Lt 4th Bn Bedfordshire Regiment
Son of Rev Herbert W and Marian M Macklin
Killed in action 27th March 1918 aged 20
Ovillers Military Cemetery, three miles north-east of Albert, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Summer 1918 page 7.
MAGINNESS, Oscar Gladstone OR (1903-05)
Lt Royal Army Medical Corps attached "C" Battery 51" Brigade Royal Field Artillery
Son of Edmund John Maginness CBE MVO and Jane Maginness
Killed in action 15th December 1915 aged 26
Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, eight miles west of Ypres, Belgium
The Roffensian, Lent 1916 page 12.
MARSH, Ralph Hedley OR(1906-09)
2nd Lt 7th Bn Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment)
Killed in action 12th April 1918
Pozieres Memorial, four miles north-east of Albert, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Summer 1918 page 8.
MILLEN, Wilfred OR(1898-1903)
Private 11266 4th Bn Canadian Infantry (Central Ontario Regiment)
Son of Alfred and Sarah Ann Millen; husband of Beatrice Millen Died of wounds 10 August 1918 aged 29
St Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 8.
MISKIN, Maurice James MC and Bar OR(1903-10) KS
Major 1st Bn Tank Corps
Son of James B and Florence Miskin
Killed in action 17 October 1918 aged 27
Honnechy British Cemetery, five miles south-west of Le Cateau, Nord, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 9 and The Old Roffensian, December 2013 page 84.
MORIARTY, James Henry OR(1904-09) KS
Lt 18 Siege Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
Son of Rev James H Moriarty, Chaplain RN (Retired) and Edith Elizabeth Moriarty Accidentally killed on active service 12 October 1915 aged 22
Bethune Town Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1915 page 28.
NOTTON, Cyril George OR(1912-13)
2nd Lt Norfolk Yeomanry attached 12th Bn Norfolk Regiment
Son of Mr and Mrs G Notton
Killed in action 3rd December 1917 aged 20
Jerusalem War Cemetery, three miles north of the Walled City of Jerusalem, Israel
The Roffensian, Lent 1919 page 12.
OWEN, Arthur Edmond OR (1908-14)
Lt 1S Bn Northamptonshire Regiment
Son of Rev Arthur F Cowley and Kathleen Owen
Died of wounds 18th October 1916 aged 20
Merville Communal Cemetery, nine miles north of Bethune, Nord, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1916 page 25.
OWEN, Edward Austin Cowley OR(1904-09) KS
Sergeant Royal Canadian Engineers Imperial Munitions Board, Ottawa 1914
Accidentally drowned in Ottawa.
Not found in Commonwealth War Graves Commission Roll of Honour
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 18.
PACKMAN, Thomas Alfred OR(1905)
Lt Royal Horse Artillery attached 7th gth Trench Mortar Battery
Son of Dr and Mrs Alfred Packman
Shot by a sniper 9th September 1916 aged 21
Vermelles British Cemetery, six miles north-west of Lens, Pas de Calais, France
PICKERING, Harold Crosby OR(1899-1901)
2nd Lt North Staffordshire Regiment
Killed in action 7' July 1915
Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium
The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 32.
PIERSON, Roy OR(1911-14)
Lt 2nd Bn Essex Regiment
Born 4th May 1896 Gillingham, son of Frederick and Nellie Augusta Pierson Killed in action 30" April 1915 aged 19
Duhallow Advance Dressing Station Cemetery, near Ypres, Belgium The Roffensian, Summer 1915 page 32.
PRALL, Cedric Barclay OR (1880-87)
Lt Col Indian Medical Service
Son of Richard and Hestor Prall; husband of Kathleen Blanche Prall Died on active service 5th April 1916 aged 44
Kirkee 1914-1918 Memorial, Kirkee Military Cantonment adjoining Poona, India
The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 29 and The Old Roffensian, December 2008 page 75, December 2009 page 5 and December 2012 page 85.
READE, Charlton Leverton Ridout OR(1908-09)
2nd Lt 2nd Bn Royal Sussex Regiment
Killed in action 9th September 1916 aged 18
Regina Trench Cemetery, Grandcourt, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 8.
ROBINSON, Laurence William OR(1903-07)
Lt 1S Royal Marine Bn RN Division Royal Marine Light Infantry
Killed in action 17 February 1917
Queen's Cemetery, Bucquoy, nine miles south of Arras, Pas de Calais, France
The Roffensian, Lent 1917 page 10.
SCRACE, John OR(1904-12)
Lt 21" Training Depot Station, Royal Air Force and 5th Bn The Buffs (East Kent Regiment)
Born Luton, Kent, son of John and Adelaide Scrace Accidentally killed while flying 24 August 1918 aged 26.
Gillingham (Woodlands) Cemetery and buried Luton (Christ Church) Churchyard, Kent, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 8 and The Old Roffensian, December 2010 page 6 and December 2011 page 75.
SEDDON, Edward McMahon DSO OR(1879-85)
Lt Col Royal Garrison Artillery
Son of Lt Col Seddon RE ; husband of Muriel Seddon Killed in action 24 June 1917 aged 49
Kemmel Chateau Military Cemetery, five miles south of Ypres, Belgium
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 19.
SMITH-REWSE, Henry Bingham Whistler OR(1891-93)
Major 51S Battery 36 Brigade Royal Field Artillery
Son of Col Smith Rewse CB RE and Florence Smith-Rewse ; husband of Olive Smith-Rewse
Died of wounds 22nd November 1914 aged 38
Poperinge Communal Cemetery, Belgium
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1914 page 30 and The Old Roffensian, December 2010 page 63.
STEPHENSON, Norman Masters OR(1905-11)
2n Lt No.2 Company (Kent) Royal Garrison Artillery
Son of Harry Dorrington and Elizabeth Stephenson
Died on active service 1$ May 1916 aged 22
Gravesend Cemetery, Kent, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 31.
STOVIN, George John Lucas OR(1901-09)
Lt Indian Army Reserve of Officers attached 37th Dogras
Son of Captain Lucas Stovin RN and Maud Stovin
Killed in action 2nd February 1917 aged 25
Amara War Cemetery, on the River Tigris, 105 miles north west of Basra, Iraq
The Roffensian, Lent 1917 page 10.
STUART, Claude Houston OR(1883-84)
Brevet Major Dragoon Guards 1900
Died 23 December 1916 aged 49 at Takeley, Essex.
The Old Cemetery, Bishops Stortford, Hertfordfshire.
Surname changed to STUART-FRENCH in 1911.
The Old Roffensian, December 2007 page 77.
TAYLOR, Alexander Ashton John OR(1906-13)
Gunner 46025 "C" Battery 189" Brigade Royal Field Artillery
Son of John Taylor, District Commissioner, and Grace Hay Taylor Killed in action 17th June 1917 aged 21
New Irish Farm Cemetery, north-east Ypres, Belgium
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 19.
THOMPSON, George OR (1904-08)
Australian Imperial Forces
Killed in action 1915 (The Roffensian Register 1835-1936 (1937)).
Not found with certainty in Commonwealth War Graves Commission Roll of Honour
THORNDIKE, Francis Herbert OR(1904-09)
Lt 11th Sqdn Royal Flying Corps
Born 30 May 1894 in Rochester, son of Rev Arthur John Webster Thorndike, Vicar of St Margaret's, Rochester, and Agnes Macdonald Thorndike Accidentally killed while flying 17th August 1917.
Duisans British Cemetery, Etrun, six miles west of Arras, Pas de Calais, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1917 page 19.
TOKELY, Reginald Cyrus OR(1910-15)
2nd Lt 2nd Bn Essex Regiment
Born 2nd July 1896 Bromley Kent, son of Cyrus Legg and Ellen Frances Tokely Died of wounds 23rd December 1916
Grove Town Cemetery, Meaulte, south of Albert, Somme, France The Roffensian, Lent 1917 page 9.
WAKELEY, John Eric Stanley OR(1905)
2nd Lt 1st Bn Gloucestershire Regiment
Son of Percy and May S Wakeley; died of wounds 9' September 1916 aged 20
Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L'Abbe, 12 miles north-east of Amiens, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1916 page 25.
WALLIS, Henry OR(1896-1905) KS
Naval Instructor RN HMS Invincible
Son of Engineer Captain Henry Wallis RN and Ellen Beatrice Wallis
Killed in action 31$ May 1916 aged 29
Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, United Kingdom The Roffensian Register 1835-1936 (1937) has HARRY WALLIS
The Roffensian, Summer 1916 page 30.
WARLAND, Frederick Leslie OR(1911-16)
2nd Lt 3rd Bn attached 12th Bn East Surrey Regiment
Killed in action 25th March 1918
Arras Memorial, Pas de Calais, France The Roffensian, Summer 1919 page 7.
WILLIS, George White OR(1910-11)
2nd Lt 1st Aircraft Supply Depot, Reception Park, Royal Air Force Son of Ald Charles and Mrs Edith Lucy Willis who donated gardens in St Margaret's Street to the City of Rochester in his memory Killed on active service 4th January 1919 aged 19
Terlincthun British Cemetery, Wimille, Boulogne north, Pas de Calais, France
WINCH Gordon Bluett DSO OR(1886-87)
Major Royal Field Artillery
Son of George and Mary Bluett Winch
Killed in action 10h April 1918 aged 42
Haverskerque British Cemetery, south of Hazebrouck, Nord, France
WITHERBY, Norman Gale OR(1896-98)
Col 79610 31st Bn Canadian Infantry (Alberta Regiment)
Son of Rev Herbert and Mary Witherby
Killed in action 9th August 1918 aged 32
Caix British Cemetery, 18 miles south-east of Amiens, Somme, France The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 8.
YOUNG, Albert Steward Logan OR(1901-07)
Private 79802 31S Bn Canadian Infantry (Alberta Regiment)
Son of Edward and Marie E E Young
Killed in action 11th October 1918 aged 29
Niagara Cemetery, Iwuy, five miles north-east of Cambrai, Nord, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1918 page 9.
The Second World War 1939-1945
Including the name of Daniel Wills who died in 1946.
AYRE, Anthony Charles Edward OR (1928-35) KS
Lt (A) RN HMS Condor
Son of Paymaster Captain L C E Ayre CBE RN and Mrs D B A Ayre
Killed on active service 8' December 1941 aged 23
Arbroath Western Cemetery, Angus, United Kingdom.
The Roffensian, Lent 1942 page 36.
BLACKWELL, Geoffrey Russell OR(1932-34)
Staff Sergeant 1880028 RE
Son of William Henry and Marie Blackwell
Died 2nd October 1942 aged 25
Moascar War Cemetery, six miles south-west of Ismailia, Egypt
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1942 page 36.
BOUSFIELD, Jack Matthew DFC OR (1922-28)
Flight Lt 79226 50 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Killed in action 2nd February 1943
Runnymede Memorial, Egham Surrey, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 33 and The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 90.
BOWDEN, Thomas Lewis OR(1918-23)
Lt 57006 General List and 2nd Bn Gold Coast Regment, Royal West African F F
Son of Thomas George and Ada Bowden
Killed in action 13th February 1941 aged 35
Nairobi War Cemetery, six miles west of Nairobi city centre, Kenya
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1941 page 34.
BRIGGS, John Lionel OR(1926-29)
Flight Sergeant 533717 88 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Son of Richard John Percival and Isabel Briggs; husband of Patricia Briggs Killed in action 28th August 1941
Rotterdam (Crooswiik) General Cemetery, Netherlands The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 88
BROOKS, Brian Philip Hawkeswood OR(1928-31)
Lt RN HMS Sheffield
Died 29th May 1941
Lee-on-Solent Memorial, near Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom The Roffensian Register 1835- 1936 (1937) has BRIAN PHILIP HOUS WOOD BROOKS
BURGESS, Roy Benyon OR(1929-35)
Lt 249302 13'/18" Royal Hussars, Royal Armoured Corps Son of Percy George Francis and Edith Ethel Rose Burgess Killed in action 8th June 1944 aged 22
Hermanville War Cemetery, six miles north of Caen, France The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1944 page 27.
CAPPS, Douglas Roy OR(1931-35)
Driver T/127130 3 Corps Ammunition Park, Royal Army Service Corps Son of Richard and Augusta Mary Sophia Capps Died of wounds France 27th May 1940 aged 23
Dover (St James's) Cemetery, Kent, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Midsummer 1940 page 33.
CAVE-BROWNE, Edward Henry OR (1931-34)
Flying Officer 106194 23 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of William and Muriel Cave-Browne
Killed in action Sicily 16" February 1943 aged 20.
Catania War Cemetery, four miles south-west of Catania, Sicily, Italy
COCHRANE, Palmer Basil Dundonald OR (1937-38)
Lt 232579 2nd Bn King's Royal Rifle Corps
Son of Basil William Dundonald and Anne Cochrane
Killed in action Sangro River 28th November 1943 aged 21
Sangro River War Cemetery between Pescara and Vasto, Chieti, Italy
The Roffensian, Lent 1944 page 29.
COMYN, Douglas Gordon OR(1930-32)
Leading Aircraftman 1152529 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Malcolm John and Norah Ethel Comyn
Died 17th January 1941 aged 20
Kidlington Burial Ground, five miles north of Oxford, Oxfordshire
COOKE, Geoffrey Clement OR(1899-1904)
Captain RN HMS Barham
Born Strood 20 March 1890, son of Henry and Jessie Cooke
Died in action with the sinking of HMS Barham, eastern Mediterranean 25th November 1941
Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Southsea, Hampshire, United Kingdom Commonwealth War Graves Commission Roll of Honour incorrectly shows age at death as 41
The Roffensian, Lent 1942 page 38 and Midsummer 1942 page 49 and The Old Roffensian, December 2006 page 59 and December 2009 page 68.
CORNABE, Peter Glyn OR(1933-40)
Sub-Lt (A) Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve HMS Indomitable
Killed in action 23rd August 1945
Lee-on-Solent Memorial near Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1945 page 40.
COTTERELL, John Anthony OR(1929-33) KS
Major 153092 Royal Fusiliers (City of London Regiment) attached 1$ Parachute Brigade
Killed in action 25 September 1944 aged 27
Enschede Eastern General Cemetery, Netherlands
The Roffensian, March 1945 page 40 and The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 71 and December 2012 page 89.
CRACROFT, Robert George MC OR(1919)
Lt Col 44854 148th (oth Bn The Loyal Regiment [North Lancashire]) Regiment, Royal Armoured Corps
Son of Col Hugh Cracroft Royal Army Service Corps and Georgina Cracroft
Killed in action 13th August 1944 aged 34
Ranville War Cemetery, six miles north-east of Caen, France
DARWALL, John Evelyn Desmond OR(1928-31)
Lt RN HMS Sultan (Singapore Shore Base)
Son of Captain William Henry Darwall RN and Eda Emmeline Darwall
Died on active service 26 January 1942 aged 24.
Kranji War Cemetery, 14 miles north of the city of Singapore The Roffensian Register (1835-1936) (1937) has surname as DARWELL
The Roffensian, Lent 1942 page 37 and The Old Roffensian, December 2007 page 4.
DAWSON-SCOTT, Keith Desmond OR(1930)
Pilot Officer 258 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Wallace John and Maud Dawson-Scott
Died 6th February 1942 aged 21
Singapore Memorial
The Roffensian Register (1835-1936) (1937) has the first names as KEITH DESMOND DAWSON and the surname as SCOTT
DONALDSON, John William DSO, AFC OR(1918-20)
Sqdn Leader 32074 263 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Son of Charles Egerton and Gwendoline Mary Donaldson ; husband of Sheila Donaldson Died 9th June 1940 aged 29
Runnymede Memorial, Egham Surrey, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1941 page 42.
ENGLAND, Gerald Barnes OR1932-36)
Lt EC/459 18M Royal Garhwal Rifles
Died 18 April 1942
Rangoon Memorial, Taukktan War Cemetery, 22 miles north of Rangoon, Burma
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1942 page 37.
EVANS, John Warwick Craven OR(1930-39)
Sergeant 1334798 101 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Haydn and Bertha Large Evans Killed in action 24 May 1943 aged 21
Jonkerbos War Cemetery, Nijmegen, Netherlands
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 34 and The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 89
GASTON, Harry OC(1936-39) OR(1937-39)
Leading Airman FAA/FX 96031 RN HMS Owl
Son of Ernest William and Jessie Ellen Gaston
Died 18th April 1944 aged 19
Lee-on-Solent Memorial near Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1944 page 42.
GODFREY, Anthony Frederick Halliday OR(1910)
Major 26247 2 Survey Regiment Royal Artillery
Son of Frederick Rowlandson and Monica Godfrey
Died on active service France 17th October 1939 aged 38
Orchard Dump Cemetery, Arleux-en-Gohelle, between Arras and Henin-Lietard, France.
GREGORY, Peter Malise OR(1918-19)
Lt RN HMS Illustrious
Killed in action 10th January 1941
Lee-on-Solent Memorial, near Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom The Roffensian Register 1835-1936 (1937) has PETER MALISE G GREGORY
GRIFFITHS, Patrick Maule Kerr OR(1921-22, 1925-26)
Lt RN HMS Rorqual
Son of William Arthur and Frances Dorothy Beresford Maule Griffiths
Died 5th July 1940 aged 27
Plymouth (Weston Mill) Cemetery, Devon, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1940 page 42.
GUNSTONE, Frederick James OR (1937-39)
Flight Lt 139319 155 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Edward Frank and Emily Jane Gunstone ; husband of Marjorie Doris Gunstone Died 13th August 1945 aged 23
Rangoon War Cemetery, Taukktan War Cemetery, 22 miles north of Rangoon, Burma
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1945 page 41.
HALL, Gilbert Townsend OR (1932-36)
Sergeant 903968 83 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of William Townsend and Eva Martha Hall; husband of Muriel Sadie Hall Died 27th April 1941 aged 20
Kiel War Cemetery, 32 miles north of Hamburg, Schlesweig-Holstein, Germany The Roffensian, Midsummer 1941 page 35.
HATCH, Norman Morgan OR(1932-40)
Sergeant 1398671 12 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Henry Thomas and Ellen Edith Hatch
Died 30h May 1943 aged 19
Reichswald Forest War Cemetery, three miles west of Kleve, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.
Originally buried in Dusseldorf (The Old Roffensian, December 1998)
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 34.
HENDERSON, Geoffrey William OR(1935-36)
Aircraftman 2nd Class 1724322 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of William George Henderson and Hon Mildred May Henderson.
Died 9th March 1942 aged 19.
Frindsbury (All Saints) Churchyard, Strood, Kent, United Kingdom
The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 79.
HOGAN, John Michael OR(1922-24)
Commander (S) RN HMS Hood
Born 1 September 1907 Bedminster, son of Thomas and Margaret Ellen Hogan Died 24 May 1941 with the sinking of HMS Hood
Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Southsea, Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1941 page 42 and The Old Roffensian, December 2006 page 59.
HORSLEY, John OR(1927-32) KS
Flight Sergeant 1150163 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Sidney Gilbert and Bertha Horsley
Died 15th December 1942 aged 28
Runnymede Memorial, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom The Roffensian, Lent 1943 page 30 and Michaelmas 1945 page 43.
JEFFERY, Kenneth Cole DSC OR(1924-26)
Surgeon Lt Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve HIMS Partridge
Son of Surgeon Captain T W Jeffrey RN and Mrs A M Jeffery
Died 18 December 1942 aged 33 with the sinking of HMS Partridge west of Oran, Algeria Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, United Kingdom. See inside back cover.
The Roffensian, Lent 1943 page 32 and Midsummer 1943 page 36.
KING, Geoffrey William OR(1929-33)
Ordinary Seaman P/JX 232688 RN HMS Victory
Son of Frank Victor and Marjorie King
Died on active service 28 April 1941 aged 20
Haslar Royal Naval Cemetery, Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom
LEONARD, Barry Worsop Cooper OR(1920-23)
Commander (E) RN HMS Forth
Son of Paymaster in Chief William Vancouver Theodore Leonard RN and Georgina Maud Leonard; husband of Patricia Beatrice E Leonard Died 30 April 1944 aged 33
Plymouth Naval Memorial, Devon, United Kingdom
LODER, John Harrington DFC OR(1931-34)
Flight Lt 86357 544 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of John Edward and Gladys Mary Loder ; killed in action 15 May 1943 aged 25
Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 35.
LUXMOORE, Thomas Gordon Putt OR(1925-26)
Lt (S) RN HMS Hood (Flag Captain's Secretary)
Born 134 May 1912, son of Capt Henry Lux moore RN (retired)
Died 24" May 1941 with the sinking of HMS Hood
Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Southsea, Hampshire, United Kingdom The Old Roffensian, December 2006 page 59.
LYNCH, Paul OR(1922-25)
Flying Officer 131908 12 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of John and Margaret Elizabeth Lynch; husband of Mary Maud Lynch Died 28 July 1943 aged 32
Sage War Cemetery, 27 miles west of Bremen, Germany
MALET-WARDEN, John Hamish OR(1929-30)
Sergeant 989146 78 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve ; died 17 August 1941
Jonkerbos War Cemetery, Nijmegen, Netherlands
The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 89.
MASLIN, Thomas William OR(1930-33)
Pilot Officer 42624 107 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Son of Thomas and Violet Ethel Maslin
Killed in action 10th July 1940 aged 24
Cavillon Communal Cemetery, 14 miles west of Amiens, Somme, France
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1940 page 40.
MESSENGER, Charles Robert Dalton OR (1924-33) KS
Lt RN HMS Furious
Killed in action with the Fleet Air Arm 22nd April 1940
Lee-on-Solent Memorial, near Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1940 page 32 and Michaelmas 1940 page 43.
MILLER, Colin OR(1923-30)
Cp1 6969038 84 (2n Bn The London Rifle Brigade) Bn Rifle Brigade
Son of George and Margaret Hannah Miller
Killed in action 6 April 1945 aged 32
Hanover War Cemetery adjoining Hanover Military Cemetery, Germany
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1945 page 31.
MORRIS, Raymonde OC(1932-35)
Leading Aircraftman 551580 82 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Son of Archibald and Ethel Sarah Morris
Killed in action 174 May 1940 aged 20
Runnymede Memorial, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom. Separate memorial in the Lady Chapel, Rochester Cathedral.
PARSONS, Robert James Sealer OR(1930-37)
Sqdn Leader 33452 115 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Killed in action 28th September 1942
Amsterdam New Eastern Cemetery, Netherlands
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 36 and The Old Roffensian, December 2012 page 89.
PARSONS, Stuart Aubrey OR(1920-27)
Sergeant 524245 Royal Air Force
Son of Arthur and Bertha Parsons
Died 22nd February 1945 aged 32
Moascar War Cemetery, eight miles south-west of Ismailia, Egypt
AUBREY PARSONS in The Roffensian Registers of 1920 and 1937.
PASSMORE, Maurice OR(1930-36)
Flight Lt 116910 148 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Frank and Frances E R G Passmore Killed in action 4th November 1943 aged 23
Belgrade War Cemetery, Serbia The Roffensian, Lent 1944 page 30.
POSGATE, Eric James Clark OR(1919-27)
2nd Lt 10 Baluch Regiment
Born Gravesend 184 June 1910, son of William George and Fanny Posgate Died 8th April 1942
Karachi War Cemetery, Pakistan. See back cover.
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1942 page 48.
RICHARDS, Noel Lawrence Clifford OR(1924-32) KS
Lt-Commander (S) RN HMS Southampton
Son of Thomas William and Gertrude May Richards ; husband of Third Officer Margaret Wybrants Richards Women's Royal Naval Service Died 11th January 1941 aged 26 with the sinking of HMS Southampton in the central Mediterranean
Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, United Kingdom. See inside back cover.
The Roffensian, Lent 1941 page 39 and Midsummer 1941 page 33.
SHUTE, Kenneth Lawrence OR(1937-38)
Sub-Lt HM Motor Launch 358 Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve
Son of Ernest Lawrence Harold and Elsie Maud Shute
Killed in action 12th November 1943 aged 22
Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent, United Kingdom. See inside back cover.
The Roffensian, Lent 1945 page 28.
SPAIN, Harold Scott OR(1928-32)
Pilot Officer 145022 460 (Royal Australian Air Force) Sqdn Royal Air Force
Volunteer Reserve
Son of Reginald George and Helena Scott Spain; husband of Joyce Spain Died 18th November 1943 aged 26
Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery, five miles west of Berlin, Germany
STOKES, Reginald John OR(1925)
Lt Royal Naval Reserve HMS Tenedos
Born Eastbourne 19 April 1911, son of Reginald Henry and Ethel Elizabeth Stokes Died on active service 6th April 1942 following the sinking of HMS Tenedos off Colombo Colombo (Kanatte) General Cemetery, Sri Lanka.
TEWFIK, Raymond Khalil OR(1928-35, 1937-38)
Sergeant 1334754 Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of Ismail and Louise Tewfik
Killed in action 17 May 1943 aged 21
Runnymede Memorial, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 36.
TRITTON, Ivan Charles OR(1934-40)
Apprentice, Port Line, MV Port Saint John
Born 11th November 1926 in Gillingham, Kent, son of Franklin George and Louise Ethel Tritton.
Accidentally killed 29th October 1943 in Sydney Harbour.
Rookwood Cemetery, Strathfield, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 37 and The Old Roffensian, December 2011 page 39.
WHITE, Harry Lockyear OR(1919-22)
Air Raid Precautions Ambulance Driver
Born Portsmouth 22nd November 1907, son of Henry William and Lily White Killed by enemy action while on ARP duties, Chatham 310 June 1941
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1945 page 43.
WILLIS, Arthur Stewart William MC and Bar OR (1907-09)
Lt Col 303 Royal Tank Regiment Royal Armoured Corps
Born Borden, Kent 27" August 1897, son of Col Charles Hope Willis CB Royal Marines and Lilian Kate Willis; husband of Jennifer Inez J Willis Died 15th April 1943
West Lulworth (Holy Trinity) New Churchyard
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1943 page 38.
WILLS, Daniel OR(1911-16) KS
Deputy Resident Commissioner, Central Johore, Malaya Died Sittingbourne, Kent 25 December 1946 aged 48
Tunstall Churchyard, near Sittingbourne, Kent.
The Roffensian, Lent 1947 page 38.
WOOD, William George OR(1934-39)
Flight Lt 128447 105 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Son of George Eric and Ethel Mildred Wood
Killed in action 22" October 1943 aged 21
Runnymede Memorial, Egham, Surrey, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Lent 1945 page 29.
YORKE, Peter Desmond Leigh OR (1926-32) KS
Flying Officer 31255 Royal Air Force
Son of Captain N L Yorke OBE and Frances Bertha de Mallet Yorke
Killed in action 30 August 1940 aged 26
Orpington (St Mary Cray) Cemetery, Kent, United Kingdom
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1940 page 41 and The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 74 and December 2010 page 7.
Since the Second World War
Except as shown, the names of the following Old Roffensians appear on the Armed Services Memorial at Alrewas in Staffordshire and on its Roll of Honour (The Old Roffensian, December 2008 page 56). The families of those named are entitled to the Elizabeth Cross which was instituted in 2009 (The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 6). All the names are on the memorial board placed in the foyer of School Hall in the summer of 2013 (The Old Roffensian, December 2013 page 86). At the School's Service of Remembrance on 11
November 2013 these eleven names were read out following the reading of those from the Great and Second World Wars. There is also a national memorial to all who have died on active service since the Second World War in the South Cloister of Westminster Abbey (The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 5).
BLAND, Wallace Allan OR(1935-38).
Lt Cdr RN. Born 1921, died 30 August 1965.
Roll of Honour of the Armed Services Memorial but not inscribed on the Memorial itself.
The Old Roffensian, December 2009 page 6.
BRADSHAW, Frank Colin Campbell OR(1912-13)
Lt-Col Royal Engineers. Born 1902, died 10 September 1947.
Roll of Honour of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
Fayid War Cemetery near Fayid by the western shore of the Great Bitter Lake and 20 miles south of Ismailia, Egypt.
COOKE, John Julian OR(1967-77)
Fl Lt RAF. Born 1959, died 22 April 1987.
Lossiemouth Town Cemetery, Morayshire.
The Roffensian, January 1988 page 8 and The Old Roffensian, 1988 page 20.
DARBY, Charles Marvyn OR(1950-56)
Capt Royal Corps of Signals.
Born 1937, died 28 January 1966.
FREW, Anthony Arthur OR(1936-39)
Sub-Lt RN HMS Affray. Born 1929, died 19 April 1951.
The Roffensian, Midsummer 1951 page 40 and The Old Roffensian, December 2008 page 58, December 2012 page 90 and December 2013 page 86.
GROVER, Charles Kennedy OR(1938-48)
KS F/O RAF. Born 1930, died 28 September 1953.
Gravesend Cemetery, Kent.
The Roffensian, Michaelmas 1953 page 40.
PARTINGTON, Sebastian Jon OR(1988-90)
2nd Lt Light Dragoons. Born 1971, died 25 November 1996
Fort Pitt Military Cemetery, Chatham, Kent.
The Roffensian, December 1997 page 6 and The Old Roffensian, December 1997 page 9.
PERRYMAN, Michael William OR (1943-51)
A/Pilot Officer RAF. Born 1933, died 2 December 1952.
Chatham Cemetery, Kent.
PROCTOR, Richard John Gibbon OR (1950-58)
F/O RAF. Born 1941, died 7 May 1968.
St Margaret's Churchyard, Rochester, Kent.
The Old Roffensian, December 2008 page 56.
SHAW, Martin Francis OR (1953-63)
2. Lt RA. Born 1944, died 10 October 1965.
Woodlands Cemetery, Gillingham, Kent.
WADE, Harry Richard OR (1932-37)
Pilot Officer RAF. Born 1923, died 12 January 1953.
Fayid Military Cemetery near Fayid by the western shore of the Great Bitter Lake 20 miles south of Ismailia, Egypt.
The Roffensian, Lent 1953 page 31.
Chatham Naval Memorial
The Memorial, which overlooks the town of Chatham, was erected "in honour of the Navy and to the abiding memory of those ranks and ratings of this port who laid down their lives in the defence of the Empire and have no other grave than the sea" On the Memorial are the names of three Old Roffensians :
Surgeon Lt K C Jeffery DSC RNVR
HMS Partridge;
Lt-Cdr (S) N L C Richards RN
HMS Southampton and Sub-Lt K L Shute RNVR HMML 358
Karachi War Cemetery, Pakistan. Photograph by Ajmal Malik, January 2006.
Eric James Clark Postgate OR(1919-1927)
Born 18th June 1910 at Gravesend, Kent; Sergeant, Royal Army Service Corps; commissioned as Second Lieutenant, 10th Baluch Regiment, Sth March 1942; died 8th April 1942
At the base of the gravestone are the words:
Material for the text in this booklet and for the Roll has been drawn from sources including:
The Roffensian Register 1835-1936, 1937
The Roffensian, various issues
The Old Roffensian, various issues
Eminent Roffensians, Edited by B Nolan, 1998
Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Archived card index of Old Roffensians
Civil registration, birth and death certificates
The Assistance of N K Day OR(1952-61), the Society's Honorary Archivist, and B Nolan AM(1958-95) is gratefully acknowledged.
Revised with corrections and additions to the original edition of 2006 together with references to obituaries, tributes and articles for individual Old Roffensians.
Further reading
The medieval tombs of the Presbytery and Quire Transept have had a tortured history which many effigies apparently moved and several defaced along with the medieval memorials and brasses over the Early Modern period.